The Human Genome Project began in 1990 and took thirteen years to complete, costing more than two billion dollars, today DNA sequencing from a human specimen can be completed in 48 hours for less than five thousand dollars. In the words of Texas philosopher, Augustus McCray … “I’m in over my head,” scientifically speaking, so bear with me. Gene sequencing has attracted the most brilliant scientist from all around the world, research supported by billions of dollars being invested in preventive medicine. The DNA sequencing of the human genome, identified over 3 billion “base pairs,” pairs of genetic markers, individual pieces of information, that define everything about you physically from the color of your eyes, skin tone, your height and weight, literally the number of hairs on your head, your personality, mental acuity and aptitude, the markers also include the instructions for maintaining homeostasis, all of the functioning systems within your body, the blood flow in your circulatory system, breathing, sleeping, the neurological responses from your brain, reaction to pain, discomfort, the restoration of damage to the body, the immune system in response to disease and environmental exposure that can compromise the health of the body. … remember I said 3 billion, so I left a few out.
The human genome is a blueprint for everything the body is made of, everything the body does, every function, every reaction, that sustains and protects the life within in us. What is so difficult for us to imagine let alone comprehend, is now the scientific foundation for biomedical research that has the potential to genetically define every malady known to man and provide the gateway to preventing those diseases. Every living organism has a genome, a genetic blueprint that is identifiably unique. The COVID 19 virus genome is believed to have approximately 3 thousand base pairs. Unlike human genetics the virus has only one function, reproduction. It’s parasitic appetite for duplication preys upon those individuals with compromised immune systems. Allow me to digress and identify the context for this post. While preparing A Healthier You I came across a quote, “the wellness and prevention market will outgrow the health care market.” I had no idea who the author, Leroy Hood was and dismissed the thought on conjecture. The multi-trillion dollar health care system has been my nemesis for decades, promulgating a self-serving approach to the “treatment” of disease, that is solely profit driven, content with using antiquated methodology and procedures that routinely dismiss the value of nutrition and prevention medicine. It’s both interesting and frightening how the “health care system” has been overwhelmed by COVID. Turns out Leroy Hood is one of the smartest most accomplished researchers on the planet, his name is synonymous with genome sequencing and in his own words, “intent on changing the paradigm with which we approach the identification and treatment of disease.” I spent the morning reviewing Dr. Hood’s research, looking at the futuristic progress that is taking place in gene sequencing, phenomenal is an understatement. COVID’s 3 thousand base pairs don’t have chance against these scientists. As technology advances, this is only the beginning of revolutionary advances in preventive medicine ….
Health IQ
In a book entitled Biochemical Individuality, by the late Roger Williams, Ph.D., a renown bio-chemist from The University of Texas…
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