The Iaso Tea is a perfect example of “food source nutrition,” blended collectively from nine herbs, Holy Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Malva, Marsh Mallow, Myrrh, Chamomile, Ginger, Papaya and Persimmon. Naturally grown, minimally processed nothing added or taken away, each of the nine herbs contain a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and all nine herbs contain fiber. The presence of dietary fiber, is what constitutes a certain and immediate positive change in regularity, when you drink the tea for the first time. Detoxification begins in the colon, as the tea functions to remove unwanted toxins and pathogens, naturally, cleansing approximately 25 feet of small and large intestine. The rejuvenated colon, then functions much better to perform the process of assimilating nutrients through the villi, that line the walls of the colon and connect with blood vessels thereby initiating the process to convert and transfer nutrition to the body where needed. Several years ago when I first began to research the Iaso Tea, I attributed the subsequent health benefits to the cleansing properties associated with detoxification. The tea was affectively cleansing the colon and improving our assimilation of nutrients, so nutritional absorption was significantly improved. Recognizing that issues with constipation and regularity are significant impediments to proper digestion and assimilation, I attributed the many testimonials to improved digestion. However anecdotal testimonies didn’t stop there. Moreover the changes, and health benefits that were taking place were indicative of a greater assimilations of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. So over time I continued to research the nine herbs individually for their nutritional content and specific health properties. Please keep in mind I am a Life Changer with TLC, but I am also an independent researcher with an extensive background in nutrition and preventive medicine. I was convinced that the Iaso Tea was truly a special product, so I did more clinical work to identify the nutritional chemistry in each of the nine herbs. The results of that research will be detailed in future post as we will profile each of the nine herbs and their nutritional value. In the process I identified eight therapeutic functions, attributable to the nutritional components identified in the Iaso Tea. Number one … The Iaso Tea acts as a digestive aid. All nine herbs contain, fiber, non-digestible cellulose, that facilitates digestion and helps maintain regularity. The tea also contains digestive enzymes … lipase, protease, amylase, and nuclease, these enzymes are specific to digest proteins, carbohydrates, sugars and fats. These enzymes also stimulate the body to release additional enzymes and hormones that aid in digestion, in addition certain trace minerals found in the tea also act as important components necessary for chemical reactions to take place, such as the mobilization of fat. Digestion is critically important to our overall health, but it’s truly only one facet of this amazing supplement, much more to come.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Keep out of the reach of children. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding consult a doctor before using this product. If you are taking medication or having any type of medical issue, consult a healthcare professional before using tis product. The Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.
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